Area 52, The E-Ghouls and Trolls

This is not all set in stone yet and I have no decided yet but unfortunately here I am doing exactly what I promised I wouldn’t do, I am heading back to Area 52 for some more bullshit and drama. If anyone wants to hop aboard and level with me then shoot me an in-game message @ Gotchacoverd – Horde. I will be starting fresh, no refer-a-friend, no BoAs, nothing unfortunately so here is to a long and painful grind to 90. The reason I am going back? Is because of Dark and Mini but other then that, there would be no reason to do so. My focus will be to grind my way up to 90, as well as dedicated time majority with my girlfriend, plus on TERA as well. I refuse to do hardcore raiding due to a new job hopefully filling me in shortly, therefore my time in the internet world will be shortened. Raiding schedules are something that would need to be discussed, because time with my girlfriend will be first on top of the hours both of our jobs may incline, our time together will be limited. { Awh yes Gotchacoverd is in love :] } That means the time I do have free will be dedicated to her, while the time I have off waiting for her to come home will be towards leveling this character up. It seems like a solid plan but what it comes down to it, Girlfriend > Job > The rest of you. Sorry but sometimes you need to grow up, and set your priorities straight, now this says if I get this new job or not as well. Though let us pray~

Good luck finding my sanity, because I have lost it.

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