Plan now rolled in motion

So finally Kry and I are going to begin the grind from 85 to 90, this again being my first time if you have read my previous posts. My stream will be up in the evenings after 7pm EST, and I bold after because it will not be at 7pm EST. We decided to go to Illidan which was the biggest mistake in the world, only because it takes me 30 minutes to actually get into the game with the queue time. I would assume weekends would be worse regardless, so as soon as a server change can be done it will be. When will that be? We actually are waiting a week or so for the free-server change and since everything is cross-server besides 5.2 right now, then what is the point of sitting in a 30 minute queue when my main focus will be pvp arena anyhow? I also decided to level shadow for now, just to get use to it again since I have not played it since WoTLK. I will be covering Disc once more, as well unfortunately as Holy just to prove to myself that I fucking hate Holy period. Kry also decided to partner me with this production with a toon he prefers to play at 90, more or less the Deathknight but well see. Anyways, keep checking up for updates or follow me at @Gotchacoverd on twitter.

A change in the plan

So as I said I was going to be leveling on Area 52, I have changed my mind COMPLETELY on that. The agony of leveling another toon from 1-85 then grind five more level is something I can’t bring myself to do. So I am awaiting Kry to recover slowly and we are going to take my 85 (stripped before I quit) priest and bring it to a brand new server, one that we even don’t know. I figured it would be for the best, since there is cross server and shit like that now it wouldn’t matter if I was actually in Area 52 to play with Mini, Dark and Tar. So yes, the leveling process is on old for the moment but an update will happen once we actually know the server we are journeying too. I will stream our experienced from 85-90, as boring as it is and how majority of you WoW players have done it enough times; I have not. I did however have more than enough toons leveled from 1-85 during the Cataclysm expansion. Anyways, we most likely will stream evenings on my twitch stream; though for now you can check out my adventures on TERA Online through my stream. I stream every night to every other night; times vary but rarely do I stream early. Forgive the ads on my Pandora as well, that will be taken care of as soon as I can ~ Enjoy.

Area 52, The E-Ghouls and Trolls

This is not all set in stone yet and I have no decided yet but unfortunately here I am doing exactly what I promised I wouldn’t do, I am heading back to Area 52 for some more bullshit and drama. If anyone wants to hop aboard and level with me then shoot me an in-game message @ Gotchacoverd – Horde. I will be starting fresh, no refer-a-friend, no BoAs, nothing unfortunately so here is to a long and painful grind to 90. The reason I am going back? Is because of Dark and Mini but other then that, there would be no reason to do so. My focus will be to grind my way up to 90, as well as dedicated time majority with my girlfriend, plus on TERA as well. I refuse to do hardcore raiding due to a new job hopefully filling me in shortly, therefore my time in the internet world will be shortened. Raiding schedules are something that would need to be discussed, because time with my girlfriend will be first on top of the hours both of our jobs may incline, our time together will be limited. { Awh yes Gotchacoverd is in love :] } That means the time I do have free will be dedicated to her, while the time I have off waiting for her to come home will be towards leveling this character up. It seems like a solid plan but what it comes down to it, Girlfriend > Job > The rest of you. Sorry but sometimes you need to grow up, and set your priorities straight, now this says if I get this new job or not as well. Though let us pray~

Good luck finding my sanity, because I have lost it.

The return of a badass, truly never lost.

That’s right, I do plan on someday making a full recovery in the MMO genre though until then I feel it is right to play low and enjoy my time until then. Ever since I was younger MMORPGs have been my interest, and once I grew bored with what I was doing I decided to change my genre up a bit. I played since launch on when World of Warcraft grew into something popular and I cannot express enough on how interesting I thought the game was, nevertheless addicted I was to the content itself. I have been healing in any type of MMO for years; WoW, TERA, Aion, anything really with of course along side my first character I have ever made being my Undead Warlock in WoW. Healing is just a passion I found when I tried it out and decided this was a job in groups I enjoyed above all, the fact and thrill of keeping everyone alive and you holding that ability just makes it worth wild. Sure I mean tanking is something special in WoW as well but let’s be honest here; it’s not difficult to sit there and smack a encounter for aggro. World of Warcraft babysat tanks to where you could use one ability and move out of shit and be successful in your role. Congratulations you proved you are not a fucking idiot, because if you were to stand in shit and not turn the boss when need be then I would call you blind. Because that’s all it really is, is being able to see or not see the abilities are are being used. I ran WoW on a Compac computer, shitty right? I was able to see all abilities that were needed on the lowest setting of graphics possible, and if i could see them then there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t. Using cool downs to survive is not a hard obstacle either, you press two buttons when you need too and research your class (which everyone should do PERIOD) then what makes that role a harder role above a healer? The fact you need to be aware, savor your mana, make sure everyone that needs to be topped off is (with the help of other healers of course), and use cool downs as well. I believe healing has the most pressure then a damage dealer or a tank does period, I mean perhaps I am putting the tanking role in a shameful position because without them taking the hits there would be no encounter. I am not saying they are useless, I am saying they are not something to brag or boost about in my opinion. I use to Bear tank, Warrior Tank, Paladin Tank, and I even mustered up the dislike for Death knights and tried Blood out as well. A Paladin tank is literally three buttons if that, you’re about to die? Lay on Hands, you wanna hit multiple targets for a high threat ratio? Use your Avenger’s Shield. Death Knights are absolutely no better, and by far the most easy tank to control mobs with. No skill is needed, just roll your face and you will be fine. Bear tanks I will give credit too, I rarely seen them and when I did they actually were about to put out a good portion of damage along with barely taking damage as well as holding a higher threat then a failadin or a fag knight. However I will say a Warrior tank is under-estimated because you see morons playing them, and taking hits for half their health everyone comes to the conclusion they are shit. Well you are absolutely 100% wrong, in fact I find it easier to heal a warrior tank that actually knows what the fuck he is doing then a Paladin that doesn’t take any damage period but stands in EVERYTHING and picks his ass while doing an encounter.

My point is, since I completely went off track is I find healing a higher skilled role then a tank; which I have had questions about in the past. “Why did you stop playing your bear?” Simple, I wanted a better challenge and I got it. Now most of you who tank reading this will easily comment saying “you just can’t tank correct” or “you think healing is hard”. Well I never once said healing was hard, I did say it was more complex when standing there taking a beating. Explain to me how to “tank correctly” aside from “tanking incorrectly”? I mean it should be common sense when and when not to use your cool downs to reduce damage taken, as well as  positioning a boss encounter correctly away from which way the party is facing. What is the CORRECT way to tank? Also for those who say I think healing is hard, it’s not and I never claimed it to be, however I do understand enough to know it’s more complex then tanking. I use to plead with groups to just change to a damage secondary spec and let me solo heal encounters, even before content was nerfed just to ease the encounter into a more suitable standing. If I knew the tanks were way to squishy, or the damage was to far of a lost cause to even attempt to begin the encounter I would inspect them all before we made the pull. I would be willing to bet 99% of you who do call me out on this, would exclude this idea from your mind before the encounter. So before you speak, look at the world logs for Phase Two and then call me out with your logic bullshit.

This is a blog to voice opinions right? Bring them!

Introduction, we all need them?

So, I suppose I should explain why I have made a site strictly in my name; simply because it’s my site. Plain and simple really. I am featured in many MMORPGS or games rather then just tied to one genre, and what is my purpose? To be that one guy who stands out amongst the rest, where you see the name and know that I am not just someone standing in the crowd. I have played World of Warcraft since launch and since MoP has went live, I refused to do any further content in a game I believe has been beaten to death. I won’t say I didn’t have my fair shares of fun, the game was a hell of a road to walk upon though all good things must come to an end. Currently I have been focusing on two games as of late, or more so one over the other. When I left World of Warcraft I actually got addicted to the MOBA game League of Legends, though unfortunately someone beat me to my name so I had to use “Gottchacoverd” rather then my legit name. I then grew bored of the same thing daily and moved back into the MMO genre with the recently free-to-play TERA Online game, which I will say has been a trip down memory lane. The only compliant I have is the game lacks end-game content that I am use too such as raids and large amounts of effort to drop a hard encounter. However what I do enjoy is the world player vs player, as well as the guild vs guild function that is implicated into the game. Me being a fan more of PVP rather then the PVE anyhow I found this to be a game worth playing, even though I do miss the days when PVE was the shit.

Anyhow, the reason this blog is made is to update what I daily do and what games have my interest at the moment. You may close this window if you do not feel this is something that will catch your interest, and I promise I won’t miss you. I also have a vision of this blog to become something more then what it’s worth, and become a gaming community where others comment their experiences and knowledge into this site itself. Call me odd but I do love seeing two bucks go at it head to head, as they try and prove themselves right through theory crafting. Updates will be given here when I feel they are necessary, and questions will be answered when I have the time to get around to them or feel like it.

You all love me, and you all know it 🙂